The story of David and Goliath is a biblical story about a shepherd boy who defeats a giant Philistine warrior with the help of God. The Philistines, led by Goliath from Gath, challenged the Israelites to a single combat to decide the outcome of a war. Goliath comes out between the lines twice a day for 40 days, but the Israelite soldiers are afraid to fight him.
David, a shepherd boy, decides to face Goliath. He takes a sling and five smooth stones. David declines the armor offered to him by Saul.
David faces off against the giant Goliath and hurls a stone from his sling, hitting Goliath square in the forehead. Goliath plummets to the ground. David approaches the fallen giant and beheads Goliath with his sword. The Philistines flee in fear, and Israel wins the battle.
The story of David and Goliath teaches that great leaders can emerge from people who are least likely expected to have that specific potential. It also solidifies that people can find the courage to stand up for what is right when they believe in God and that God is on their side. David faced his Giant and was victorious.
Samuel Chapter 17